Ben 10 108 D - A Badut Jakarta Kids Event Organizer - party planner mc EO pesta acara ultah anak murah - dekorasi

Ben 10 108 D

Keterangan :

Ukuran Bawah + Atas
Bentuk Bulat
24 cm + 16 cm
26 cm + 16 cm
30 cm + 18 cm

Pilihan rasa :

Lapis Surabaya, Chocolate Gateau, Black Forest, Vanilla and Cheese

- Pelunasan H - 3
- Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim kue Rp.150.000 se  jakarta
- Tinggi cake +- 8 cm
- Kue Termasuk lilin angka, pisau plastik, mainan, aksesories di sesuaikan

Pricelist : 

Base + Top Layer Size
Round Shaped
24 cm + 16 cm
26 cm + 16 cm
30 cm + 18 cm

Flavor Choices : Lapis Surabaya, Chocolate Gateau, Black Forest, Vanilla and Cheese
- Settlement should be made  3 days before D Day
- Delivery Fee for Jakarta Area Rp.150.000
- Cake Height +- 8 cm
- Cake include number candle, cake plastic knife, decorating toys and accessories,

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